A Reading Response and Reflection

For my project, I plan to use my Omeka items to engage my audience in different ways.  One of the activities will include tagging.  I did not tag the items because I want to see the how the audience varies in their opinions about each item.  Will it be objective or subjective?  So far, I have developed three personas for my project; and I would like to see how each of them tags the Omeka items.  The first persona is someone is familiar with Koreatown.  He or she may have grew up visiting Koreatown with family and/or friends. Also, in the first persona, this person could have contributed to the development of Koreatown.  The second persona is someone who has an interest in Korean culture and/or history, and he or she likes to visit Koreatown.  The third persona is someone who is not familiar with Koreatown.  He or she probably does not think it exists in Texas.

Similar to the Hurricane Digital Memory Book and Baltimore Uprising projects, I plan to include a section that will ask the audience to add their memories of the Koreatowns and the events.  For each item, I would like to include a plug-in that allows the audience to add a comment.  Also, there will be a mapping tool that allows the audience to input their location in comparison to the locations of both Koreatowns in North Texas.  Another activity will include a redesign or remapping of both Koreatowns.  How will it fit into your neighborhood? Or, I can ask the audience to engage in building a Koreatown near their neighborhood.  Furthermore, Koreatowns Dallas and Carrollton hold festivals pertaining to Korean culture and history, so I would like to include a section that allows the audience to upload their pics and add comments to build a story  based on their personal experience during one of the past festivals.  This activity will be build a community of festival goers or lovers to communicate with each other.

