Project Proposal for “Koreatowns in North Texas”

“Koreatowns in North Texas”

            The proposed “Koreatowns in North Texas” project will convey the importance of preserving an unrecognized part of American history. Currently, there is no website that allows the audience to access information about the history of Asian Americans in Texas. Multiple Asian American communities in Texas continue to prosper, and they contribute to the socio-economic development of the surrounding communities. Unfortunately, the history of the Asian American communities goes on undocumented by the Dallas County and the Dallas Historical Society. The proposed project will help inform people about an important part of the Dallas cultural and socio-economic history in order to bring awareness to a diverse community. It will emphasize the significance of immigration and the sustainability of urban and suburban development in diverse communities. The project will begin with the Korean American communities of Dallas County. There are two Koreatowns in North Texas: Koreatown Dallas and Koreatown Carrrollton. Each Koreatown is different, but both of them play a significant role in their community.

The proposed “Koreatowns in North Texas” project will ask the audience history questions pertaining to what they know about the history of Korean American communities and their connection to the two Koreatowns in North Texas. Here is a sample of the following history questions: What do you know about Korean American history in North Texas? What historical information about Koreatown Dallas or Koreatown Carrollton would you like to learn? How often do you visit Koreatown Dallas and/or Koreatown Carrollton? Describe your personal connection to one or both of the Koreatowns. What do you think makes Koreatown Dallas and/or Koreatown Carrollton interesting?  Describe your earliest memory of Koreatown Dallas and/or Koreatown Carrollton. Describe your fondest memory of Koreatown Dallas and/or Koreatown Carrollton. What do you think stands out the most in Koreatown Dallas and/or Koreatown Carrollton? (e.g. the architecture, the cafes, the building signs, etc.). Some of the statements were revised from questions to non-questions to encourage the audience to provide more information.

Also, the project’s website will include a collection of digital images, short descriptions/narratives to connect with the audience, and information about important people who have contributed to the sustainability and development of the communities. Another component will be added for audience participation; they will be able to add their images and narratives that are related to the development of the Korean American communities. Their contributions will help build a historical collection online. Also, it will include digital maps to show the locations and spatial components in order to depict community integration and neighborhood gentrification.

In order to inform, persuade, and engage the audience, the website will implement digital tools. Omeka, an open source web publishing platform, will be used to feature the images as items. After the metadata is added for each item, the items will be organized into Collections or Exhibits. A Geolocation plugin will be added for mapping the locations of the items. Another plugin, Juxtapose will be used to show a side-by-side map comparison of both Koreatowns. Also, it will be used to show a map comparison of Koreatown Dallas in 1980s or 1990s versus now. An additional plugin, Commenting, will be added for the audience to add their comments.   A Zoom It plugin will be added to allow the audience to zoom into the image and view it from different angles. Eventually, a social media plugin will be added.

For the target audiences, there are four different personas. Persona 1 includes the 1.5 and 2nd generation Korean Americans. They visit the Koreatowns with family and friends. Some of them have contributed to the building or development of Koreatown Dallas or Koreatown Carrollton. Persona 2 includes an audience who is non-Korean American but is familiar with Korean culture and history from different levels, and they visit the Koreatowns. Persona 3 will be the audience who does not know anything about Korean culture and history, and they do not know that Koreatowns exists in North Texas. Persona 4 is the audience that is comprised of first generation Korean Americans who moved to North Texas during the late 1970s to 1990s and they have contributed directly to the development of Koreatown Dallas, or they have very strong personal connections to it.



Revised Personas

Persona 1

Name: Amy
Demographic: early 30s, female, Korean American, college educated, architect
Descriptive Title: Amy (Digital Native and Foodie)
Quote: Life is about Food, Culture, and Social Media.

A Day in a Life Narrative: 

I am a second generation Korean American. I do not know that much about my Korean heritage; however, I am interested in learning more about Korean history and culture. I am also not familiar with Korean American history, especially in Texas. My job requires me to work on a computer on a daily basis. As an architect, I have a strong interest in learning about different cultures and how certain infrastructures influence sustainability and maintain a balance with surrounding communities. I pay attention to the use of space and how it interacts with people and nature. I also enjoy learning about different foods from around the world, and I enjoy purchasing various kitchen gadgets and appliances in order to learn to make different culinary delicacies. I am an avid user of technology and devices. I am on social media most of the day. I use social media to stay connected with friends and family. I also use it to learn about cultural things. The site on Koreatowns in Dallas and Carrollton will help me to explore both of them and to learn more about my heritage as a Korean American.
End Goals:
I don’t like to search through a plethora of information. I want to find my interests and explore them with minimal reading and more engagement in learning about Korean American history and culture and Koreatowns Dallas and Carrollton.

Persona 2

Name: Josephine
Demographic: 60s, female, African American, college educated, retiree
Descriptive Title: Josephine (Cultural Enthusiast and Social Learner)
Quote: Life is short; it’s best to learn something new each day.

A Day in a Life Narrative: 

I am a recent retiree. I live with my husband and adorable dog. I like meeting people and making new friends. I enjoy being around younger people because of their vibrant and youthful energy. Working for an international company has allowed me to explore new cultures. Before I visited the two Koreatowns, I began learning the Korean language at a local community college. My interest in K Pop steered me toward learning Korean. To brush up on my Korean, I joined a Korean meetup group that meets in Koreatown. The group meets in Koreatown for an informal language learning and cultural excursions to a Korean restaurant or karaoke bar. I am not a native Korean speaker; however, I enjoy learning about Korean culture, history, and traditions. I use the internet to pay my bills, purchase items, and read news articles. I use social media to connect with my friends and family. The site will help me learn more about Korean culture and history.

End Goals:

Learning keeps me staying young, so I like to be informed and engaged by using minimal technology. I would like to use the site to learn about the different places and upcoming events in Koreatown and to continue practicing the Korean language.

Persona 3

Image not available.
Name: Chris
Demographic:  18-20s, high school graduate, lives at home with parents
Descriptive Title: Chris (Tech savvy and goes everywhere with smartphone)
Quote: I live one day at a time, but I don’t like waiting long for fast food.

A Day in a Life Narrative: 

I am a recent high school graduate. I live with at home with my parents.  I enjoy hanging out with my friends.  I do not know anything about Korean culture and history.  Also, I did not know that Texas had Koreatowns.  Some of my friends are KPop fans, but I am not. However, I do not mind visiting a new place while I am with my friends.  I use the internet to check up on my friends, watch my favorite shows and new movies, track upcoming festivals and concerts, and skim news articles. I use social media to connect with my friends and make new friends.  The site will help me break away from my usual environment and learn something new.  I might be able to convince my friends to visit one of the Koreatowns with me.


End Goals:

I use social media to learn about the current events since I do not watch the news.  I enjoy reading about technology as long as the articles are short.  My smartphone is with me at all times.  I enjoy learning new things as long as it interests me and my friends.

Persona 4

Image not available.
Name: Mr. Kim
Demographic:  70s, retiree, middle-class, college educated from South Korea 
Descriptive Title:  Mr. Kim (Family Oriented and Korean Culture Enthusiast)
Quote:  I am proud to be a Korean American who still believes the past can teach the new generations about the present and the future. 

A Day in a Life Narrative: 

I retired after owning a business with my wife for over 25 years.  My wife and I are first-generation Korean Americans.  We moved to Texas in the early 1980s.  Since our degrees from Korea were not accepted, we worked very hard to save money and own a business in Koreatown Dallas.   We raised our two children to excel in their studies, so they do not have to work hard like us.  At the same time, my family and I were connected to the Korean community by being members of a local Korean church.  After more than 25 years of owning a business, my wife and I were persuaded by our children that it was time to enjoy life and not worry about work every day.  During my retirement, I learned to use the internet off and on.   I do not like to use the internet every day; I still like to read the printed newspaper, especially the Dallas Korean newspapers.   I use social media to connect with my children and grandchildren.  The site will introduce my children and grandchildren to learn about the Korean American history and culture in Dallas.  I would like to include my stories and pictures about Koreatown Dallas.

End Goals:

I enjoy being around my family.  I use social media to stay connected with my children and grandchildren.  I like to teach my grandchildren about Korean culture and history because I don’t want them to forget about their Korean heritage.
